Vidinsky Engineering

Bran Vidinsky, MSME


Bran Vidinsky, MSME
Bran Vidinsky, MSME


  • Cryogenics - Analysis, Design, Development and Test: Structural and Shock, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Cryofluid control, Vibration Damping (2 patents), Development of composite materials
  • Ultra High Vacuum Technology - Analysis, Design, Development and Test; Cleanliness, Materials
  • Structural, Thermal, Dynamic and Experimental Stress Analysis
  • Electromagnetic High Voltage Ion Sources in vacuum- Design, Development, Materials (1 publication)
  • Precision mechanisms - Analysis, Design, Development and Test
  • Aseptic Processing and Clean room design
  • Multiphase flow and applications (6 patents, 5 publications)



2010 – 2023

Chief Mechanical Engineer | Vidinsky Engineering, Oberpullendorf, AT

Design of hyper engines


2005 – 2010

Software Engineer | applefox Lockenhaus, AT

Database design


2003 – 2005

Chief Cryo-Mechanical Engineer | Austin Scientific Co. Austin, TX

Engineering, project management, supervision and quality control of cryopumps and compressors.


2002 - 2003

Senior Project Engineer | MicroCHIPS Inc. Bedford, MA

Engineering, project management, supervision and quality control of prototypes and initial production of implantable micro fluidic medical device class III, including: process engineering and validation, developing of QS, training, SOPs, protocols, lab and clinical studies, statistical data processing.


2001- 2002

Senior Cryo-Mechanical Engineer | IGC SuperPower Schenectady, NY

Conceptual and analytical design of new instrument for measurement of stress- strain properties of materials at cryogenic temperatures

Design and development of superconducting transformer

Conceptual and analytical design of superconducting cable


1996 - 2001

Chief Mechanical Engineer | EDAX Inc. Mahwah, NJ

Engineering, project management, supervision and quality control of cryogenic X-ray/optical instruments for scientific and medical research, including TQM, ISO9000 and CE approval. . (2 patents)



Senior Project Engineer | Veeco Instruments Plainview, NY

Design and development of capital vacuum equipment and ion sources for semiconductor industry. (1 publication)



Chief Mechanical Engineer | Sterling Instrument New Hyde Park, NY

Design and development of precision mechanisms and actuators for aerospace industry, including space vacuum and temperatures.



Project Engineer | The Loveshaw Corp. Ronkonkoma, NY

Design of packaging machines.



Senior Research Scientist | Liege University Liege, B

Research and development in two phase flow.



Senior Research Scientist | University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, BG

Research and development in two phase flow. (5 patents, 5 publications)



Chief Mechanical Engineer | Envirotech Co. Sofia, BG

Design and development of machines and installations for waste water, gas and heat abatement. (2 patents)



Design engineer | Balkancar Corp. Sofia, BG

Design of automotive engines, gear trains, transmissions.



1968 - 1974

Sofia University of Technology Sofia, BG, MS in Mechanical Engineering


1962 - 1965

Military Aviation Academy DM, BG, BS in ICE and Jet Engineering



Course in Environmental Engineering;



Course in Computer Science and CAD



Course in Cryogenic Engineering and Vacuum Technology



Course in ProEngineer



Course in FEA (Algor)



Course in SolidWorks



Course in Vibration Measurements and Test



Course in Vibration and Noise Control



PDA Course in Aseptic Processing



SolidWorks, ProE, Algor, Working Model, AutoCAD, Anvil, Mathcad, Mathematica, Matlab, FileMaker, MS Office, MS Project, etc.



English, French, Russian, Bulgarian